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Ren Z, Yan J, Ni B, et al. Unsupervised deep learning for optical flow estimation[C]//Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2017. https://github.com/sunshinezhe/Dense-Spatial-Transform-Flow DSTFlow 10.43 12.4 16.79 39%
Meister S, Hur J, Roth S. Unflow: Unsupervised learning of optical flow with a bidirectional census loss[C]//Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2018. https://github.com/simonmeister/UnFlow UnFlow 3.29 8.1 23.30%
Wang Y, Yang Y, Yang Z, et al. Occlusion aware unsupervised learning of optical flow[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018: 4884-4893. OAFlow 3.55 4.2 8.88 31.20%
Janai J, Guney F, Ranjan A, et al. Unsupervised learning of multi-frame optical flow with occlusions[C]//Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). 2018: 690-706. https://github.com/JJanai/back2future Back2Future 6.59 22.94%
Tian L, Tu Z, Zhang D, et al. Unsupervised learning of optical flow with cnn-based non-local filtering[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2020, 29: 8429-8442. NLFlow 3.02 4.5 6.05 22.75%
Liu P, King I, Lyu M R, et al. Ddflow: Learning optical flow with unlabeled data distillation[C]//Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2019, 33(01): 8770-8777. https://github.com/ppliuboy/DDFlow DDFlow 2.35 3 5.72 14.29%
Zhong Y, Ji P, Wang J, et al. Unsupervised deep epipolar flow for stationary or dynamic scenes[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2019: 12095-12104. https://github.com/yiranzhong/EPIflow (loss functions地址) EpiFlow 2.51 3.4 5.55 16.95%
Liu P, Lyu M, King I, et al. Selflow: Self-supervised learning of optical flow[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2019: 4571-4580. https://github.com/ppliuboy/SelFlow SelFlow 1.69 2.2 4.84 14.19%
Tian L, Tu Z, Zhang D, et al. Unsupervised learning of optical flow with cnn-based non-local filtering[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2020, 29: 8429-8442. STFlow 1.64 1.9 3.56 13.83%
Liu L, Zhang J, He R, et al. Learning by analogy: Reliable supervision from transformations for unsupervised optical flow estimation[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2020: 6489-6498. https://github.com/lliuz/ARFlow ARFlow 1.44 1.8 2.85 11.80%
Im W, Kim T K, Yoon S E. Unsupervised learning of optical flow with deep feature similarity[C]//European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Cham, 2020: 172-188. https://github.com/iwbn/unsupsimflow SimFlow 5.19 13.38%
Jonschkowski R, Stone A, Barron J T, et al. What matters in unsupervised optical flow[C]//Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23–28, 2020, Proceedings, Part II 16. Springer International Publishing, 2020: 557-572. https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/uflow UFlow 1.68 1.9 2.71 11.13%
Luo K, Wang C, Liu S, et al. Upflow: Upsampling pyramid for unsupervised optical flow learning[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2021: 1045-1054. https://github.com/coolbeam/UPFlow_pytorch UPFlow 1.27 1.4 2.45 9.38%
Luo K, Luo A, Wang C, et al. ASFlow: Unsupervised Optical Flow Learning with Adaptive Pyramid Sampling[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.03560, 2021. ASFlow 1.26 1.5 2.47 9.67%
Li J, Zhao J, Song S, et al. Occlusion aware unsupervised learning of optical flow from video[C]//Thirteenth International Conference on Machine Vision. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2021, 11605: 116050T. https://github.com/CV-IP/UnOpticalFlow UnOpticalFlow 2.67 7.1 22%
Luo K, Wang C, Ye N, et al. Occinpflow: Occlusion-inpainting optical flow estimation by unsupervised learning[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.16637, 2020. https://github.com/coolbeam/OccInpFlow#occinpflow-occlusion-inpainting-optical-flow-estimation-by-unsupervised-learning OccInpFlow 1.78 2.1 4.57 15.20%
  • 研究建议一 :可以与《Neural-network-based Motion Tracking for Breast Ultrasound Strain Elastography: An Initial Assessment of erformance and Feasibility》文章类似思路。研究并比较上述自监督模型在超声B模式图像上在心动图上的一个数据情况。同时可以使用8个模拟心脏的模型和有限元和超声模拟数据进行验证。训练数据可以直接采用超声B模式的图像。

  • *研究建议二:如果上述具有可行性的话,因为里面如ARFlow模型借鉴了PWC-Net模型的金字塔网络的输入部分。那么就同理可以借鉴RFPWC-Net模型的输入部分。然后改损失函数。实现利用RF数据来作为训练模型的输入,原来使用RF数据训练模型最大的问题就是label不好确定。但是如果采用自监督模型的话就解决了最大的问题。然后两个结合起来应该是效果不错的,但是工作量比较大。后续可以挖掘的空间还很大。是一个很不错的点。